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kstu news/wp-login.php' and 1=1 and 1


kstu news/wp-login.php' and 1=1" and "x"="y на YouTube: Поиск реализован с помощью YandexXML и Google Custom Search API.

WP-Admin causes error log on certain functions when using PHP 7.3


load.php wp-db.php wp-settings.php admin.php and others are all in the wordpress 5.0 folders. They are using mysql-connect which is depreciated. I don’t see how desactivating plugins would help with wordpress core files… all the errors listed come from wordpress .php files.



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Possible fix for sudden redirect loop at wp-login with reauth=1


Upon logging in with correct credentials (I double checked first by resetting it, then manually changing it in PhpMyAdmin) I kept getting bounced back

WordPress.com | Log in to your account


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Вирус Wp-vcd Malware – диагностика и лечение | InwebPress


2.Удалите эти файлы: wp-feed.php, wp-tmp.php, wp-vcd.php. Лечение шаблонов WordPress. В каждом шаблоне, который присутствует в папке

errors - Why is wp-login trying to send an email? - WordPress...


I have the Jetpack plugin installed (I saw the later the pluggable directory is referenced) so I wondered if someone tried to use the "email share" button on a post and this was the result. Obviously I want to make sure wordpress is not being hijacked to send spam. I did just reinstall wordpress from scratch...

Скрываем wp-admin, wp-login и делаем редирект ссылки


Вот приспичило мне скрыть странички wp-admin и wp-login, но есть одна проблемка, о ней и поговорим!

permit_wp_login not works · Issue #62...


Hi guys, When I change "permit_wp_login" => false, I have redirected to my idp login page, have success login but after them I cant login to wp-admin, all time I redirected to

How do I get PHP errors to display? - Stack Overflow


I have checked my PHP ini file (php.ini) and display_errors is set and also error reporting is E_ALL. I have restarted my Apache webserver. I have even put these lines at the top of my script, and it doesn't even catch simple parse errors.

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