2020-08-18T17:10:54Z https://www.isjaee.com/jour/oai oai:oai ...


1-2. P. 193-201. Filimonov I.N., Yuschenko V.V., Smirnov A.V., Nesterenko ... Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2011;35:15689–97. ... Energy Conversion and Management . ... Select. Papers 1st International Conf. on Hydrogen Treatment of Materials, ... Cellkraft, Backup power - Fuel cells. http://www.upssystems.co.uk/wp-content ...

2020-08-20T11:07:02Z https://www.isjaee.com/jour/oai oai:oai ...


2nd Int. Conf., Donetsk, Ukraine, June 2-4, 1998 / Guest editor V. A. Goltsov // Inern. ... 1, 2. P. 127-138. Progress in Hydrogen treatment of materials / edited by V.A. ... Ismagilov Z.R., Matus E.V., Tsikoza L.T. Direct conversion of methane on ... The obtained data made it possible to select the optimal mode of deposition of ...

kstu news/wp-login.php' " and "x"="y


kstu news/wp-login.php.

SQL Injection для чайников, взлом asp+mssql


SELECT * FROM product WHERE PCategory='food'. Этот запрос должен возвратить набор, содержащий одну или более строк, которые

How do I convert a String to an int in Java? - Stack Overflow


My String contains only numbers, and I want to return the number it represents. For example, given the string "1234" the result should be the number 1234.

Реализация однострочного ввода двух и более чисел - Python...


Python. 1 2 3. a = int(input()) b = int(input()) print(a+b). Но сайт с проверкой выдаёт ошибку, видимо нужен однострочный ввод, о котором я ещё не знаю. Пытался загуглить - не вышло.

Most of the escaping functions in WordPress, with a short explanation...


Specifically, HTML and PHP tags are stripped, and (in a 'save' context) accents are removed (accented characters are replaced with non-accented equivalents). Further filtering can be added via the plugin API by hooking the sanitize_title filter. If $title is empty and $fallback_title is set, the latter will be used.

wp_enqueue_style() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources


wp-login.php: login_header(). Output the login page header.

php - Using a nonce in a Custom Login Form - WordPress...


I know that the login form uses a testcookie and that you create a securecookie when reading through the POST information - but does that somehow solve the security issue? Are there any good resources out there for understanding how secure cookies work in this instance?

Strings - The Basics of C Programming | HowStuffWorks


It holds characters as you would expect: str[0] is the first character of the string, str[1] is the second character, and so on. But why is a 100-element array unable to hold up to 100 characters? Because C uses null-terminated strings, which means that the end of any string is marked by the ASCII value 0...

Стандарты PHP кода в WordPress — лучшие практики


Если закрывающий PHP тег все же используется, убедитесь, что после него нет пробелов или переносов строк. Так писать не следует

C - switch case statement in C Programming with example


The switch case statement is used when we have multiple options and we need to perform a different task for each option.

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