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Factors influencing the adoption of health promoting behaviors in...


The present study aims at exploring the experiences of overweight pregnant women in terms of the factors influencing selection and adoption of health promoting behaviors during pregnancy.

PINE TEA: Possible Antidote for Spike Protein Transmission


Intro by Dr. Ariyana Love (Updated: June 24, 2021) Front line doctors and medical experts dropped a bombshell in late April, revealing matters of national security for all nation states.

Pregnancy Tips | 9 Tips For Pregnant Women | BellyBelly


There's so much to do during pregnancy, it's hard to know where to start. To help you prepare for parenthood here are BellyBelly’s top 9 pregnancy tips.

Bing помогает принимать обоснованные решения и действовать на...


Bing помогает принимать обоснованные решения и действовать на основе большего объема информации.

Ростелеком | Официальная страница Ростелекома во ВКонтакте


Официальная страница Ростелекома во ВКонтакте | 677118 подписчиков. 4218 записей. 3 фотографии. 227 обсуждений.

Urgent warning for pregnant women: Get your... - UCHealth Today


The newest studies are showing how dangerous COVID-19 can be during pregnancy, and health expects are strongly urging women to get vaccinated.

Preparing for Pregnancy: Your 3-Month Guide


Ready to conceive? Here's how to prepare your body if you want to get pregnant in three months.

WHO warns pregnant women NOT to take... — RT World News


The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued new guidance on the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, including worrying advice that pregnant women should not get the jab unless they are at high risk of...

Getting pregnant after 40: Fertility, drawbacks, and more | BabyCenter


Learn more about the advantages, drawbacks, and fertility issues around having a baby at 40.

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