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error: can't mount image /proc/self/fd/9: failed to mount squashfs...


FATAL: container creation failed: mount hook function failure: mount /proc/self/fd/9->/var/apptainer/mnt/session/rootfs error: while mounting image /proc/self/fd/9: squashfuse_ll exited with status 255: Something went wrong trying to read the squashfs image.

kubuntu - Process "/bin/sh -e /proc/self/fd/9" - what... - Ask Ubuntu


In /proc/self/fs I have files 1, 2, 3, 4 but no 9. From googling it seems it might be to do with upstart? So what process is starting this and/or why?

upstart service giving 'chdir: command not found' error - Stack Overflow


Would it harm game balance to allow potions to be self-administered with a bonus action? A short fiction about a woman repeatedly killed by another version of herself. Calculating integral with exponential function and parameter.

proc(5) - Linux manual page


standard output if no argument is supplied, can. nevertheless be made to use standard input or standard. output by using /proc/pid/fd files as command-line.

symlink - What do the permissions mean in /proc/<pid>/fd


But in /proc each file can lie and not follow what's standard: there is no actual symbolic link, but a symbolic link is presented to have a known API to represent the FD. OP's stdout is readable because it's the same bidirectional socket.

linux - trying to increase file descriptors on ubuntu - Super User


/proc/self/fd/9: 4: ulimit: error setting limit (Invalid argument) Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event0 (Power Button) New seat seat0. /proc/self/fd/9: 4: ulimit: error setting limit (Invalid argument) Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event0 (Power Button)...

proc(5) — Arch manual pages


UNIX и Linux поддерживают идею о попроцессном корневом каталоге файловой системы, который может быть установлен системным вызовом chroot(2). Этот файл является символьной ссылкой, которая указывает на корневой каталог процесса и ведёт себя так же, как exe и fd/*.

Ubuntu Manpage: proc - process information pseudo-filesystem


With the introduction of per-process mount namespaces in Linux. 2.4.19, this file became a link to /proc/self/mounts, which lists the mount points.

Кто стучится в дверь моя? Или как определить кто запускает раз...


То, что в /proc, создаётся при запуске процесса и удаляется после его завершения. То есть при запросе в доли секунды вы там ничего и не словите.

proc linux command man page


proc man page. A compilation of Linux man pages for all commands in HTML.

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