Chapter 20. Managing Kerberos Flags and Principal Aliases | Red ...

With this flag, system security services daemon (SSSD) can add the AD user TGT to the default Kerberos credentials cache on the IdM client machine.

TLS/SSL for applications : Right and Wrong ways to fix it. - Surevine

Sep 14, 2017 ... If you have access to the server and it's config, you can likely search around and find a “servername.crt” file somewhere (often in the /etc ...

Connection Pooling Configuration

Here is an example of a command line that sets the maximum pool size to 20, the preferred pool size to 10, and the idle timeout to 5 minutes for pooled ...

How Do I Save Iptables Rules or Settings? - nixCraft

Apr 21, 2024 ... Explains how to save and restore an IPtables firewall rules under Debian / Ubuntu / RHEL / Fedora / Redhat and any other Linux ...

プロセス毎のメモリ消費量を調べたい時に使えるコマンド #Ubuntu ...

May 22, 2019 ... XXX のメモリ消費量を調べたい!と思ったあなたに捧げるコマンド集。僕は unicorn と友達になりたい。前提知識※この辺調査不足参考になりそうな ...

OpenSSLで自己認証局と証明書の作成 - bnote

認証局は、���の署名要求書ファイルを基に署名付の 証明書を作成してくれます。 openssl req -new -days 365 -key serverkey.pem -out csr.pem. コマンドを実行すると以下の ...

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