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“YouTube” — video hosting and streaming


Allows users to upload, view, comment, rate and share videos, subscribe to personal and official video channels, and connect with YouTube users via major social networking sites.



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SeasonGID ваш онлайн гид


La casa de papel. Добавлено: Сезон 1. 6 серия (LostFilm).

PHP: chr - Manual


chr ( int $bytevalue ) : string. Возвращает строку из одного символа, код которого задан аргументом bytevalue, который интерпретируется

c++ - how to convert from int to char*? - Stack Overflow


Yes. c_str gives you a pointer to the internal buffer of the string object. If you cast away the const you or another programmer could think it is ok to change the buffer through the non-const variable.

№68 Смайлы и символы drive2.ru...


46.◘◘◘ |56.⁑⁑⁑|66.ℬ ℬ 7. |17. |27. |37. |47. |57.∳∳∳ |67.ℚ ℚ 8. |18.₯ﬠґ |28.ℳℳℳ |38. |48. |58.※※※ | 68. 9. |19.™™™ |29. |39. |49…ιllιlι.ιl.|59.≈≈≈ |69.ツツ 10. √√√ |20. |30.ℰℳℴ |40.▀▄▀▄ |50.◄◄◄|60. ⊹⊹ ⊹ |70.╕╕╕ 71.ћћћ...

Function list - Data Studio Help


CASE WHEN C = 'yes' THEN 'done:yes' ELSE 'done:no' END. Miscellaneous. CAST.

Регулярные выражения в Python от простого к сложному. / Хабр


76.47 sec for raw VS 56.42 sec for compiled Raw regexp run: 5.1e-06 seconds per regexp, x0.738 faster Compiled regexp run: 3.76e-06 seconds per regexp, x1.355

Регулярные выражения — Википедия


Регуля́рные выраже́ния — формальный язык поиска и осуществления манипуляций с подстроками в тексте, основанный на использовании метасимволов...

Regular expression - Wikipedia


Together, metacharacters and literal characters can be used to identify text of a given pattern, or process a number of instances of it. Pattern matches may vary from a precise equality to a very general similarity, as controlled by the metacharacters.

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