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“YouTube” — video hosting and streaming


Allows users to upload, view, comment, rate and share videos, subscribe to personal and official video channels, and connect with YouTube users via major social networking sites.

HTTP — Википедия


HTTP — протокол прикладного уровня передачи данных, изначально — в виде гипертекстовых документов в формате «HTML»...



mode=a€? nurl;viewerframe?mode refresh" axis video server inurl:indexframe.shtml 'inurl: index of' nude inurt:view/index.shtml inurl:"multicameraframe?mode=" inrul.

Global Search » Read Online Free Books Archive | Select the first letter


Book Titles Search. Select the first letter.

№68 Смайлы и символы drive2.ru...


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Extract SQL Command Feature Request · Issue #1222...


One way that I combatted this was to do things like 'select top 1 * from querycachetable where querytext like '%somerandomvalue%' ' etc and order by length of the querytext field to get the first query executed when SQLMap confirms the page exists.



EditorialSlotDetails-z2dw6i-6 */ .eXRXJ{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;left:112px;padding:18px 8px 0;overflow:hidden;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;} .eXRXJ:hover{cursor:pointer;} .eXRXJ:hover .editorial-play-icon{color:transparent;} .eXRXJ:hover .editorial-play-icon g{fill

Generating Code 128 Barcodes using Excel VBA - Stack Overflow


If I use the code below in an Excel Macro-enabled spreadsheet, I get the #VALUE error when trying to use the Code128_Str() function on any input. I lack the necessary skills to debug the code properly. If this script can be corrected, I think it would be immensely useful to many people trying to do the same.

ASCII - Wikipedia


ASCII (/ˈæskiː/ (listen) ASS-kee),:6 abbreviated from American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding standard for electronic communication.

Веб-сервисы в Oracle / Блог компании CUSTIS / Хабр


WHEN dbms_network_acl_admin.acl_not_found THEN.

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