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inurl:"login.php" wso 2.6 ext shell/apps/guestbook/scarbook.php' and...


Spaggiari utilizzando tecniche come Qr-code e App consente di integrare strumenti cartacei come diari, agende per docenti, libretti scolastici, DS e DSGA.

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Spaggiari utilizzando tecniche come Qr-code e App consente di integrare strumenti cartacei come diari, agende per docenti, libretti scolastici, DS e DSGA con il mondo digitale dando in questo modo la possibilità di avere sempre a portata di mano la propria scuola su tutti i tipi di device come: computer...

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select2.js can be loaded as AMD-script, it returns Select2 class which can be instantiated. But language files doesn't support AMD, they expect select2.amd is already injected into.

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This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not white-listed in the app's client OAuth settings. Make sure that the client and web OAuth logins are on and add all your app domains as valid OAuth redirect URIs.

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Admin and user login in php and mysql database | CodeWithAwa


return user array from their id function getUserById($id){ global $db; $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=" . $id; $result = mysqli_query($db, $query)

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